Thursday, December 13, 2007

Implementing a Data Quality Assurance Program

Data Quality Assurance

Goals of a Data Quality Assurance Program

A data quality assurance program is an explicit combination of organization, methodologies, and activities that exist for the purpose of reaching and maintaining high levels of data quality. The term assurance puts it in the same category as other functions corporations are used to funding and maintaining. Quality assurance, quality control, inspection, and audit are terms applied to other activities that exist for the purpose of maintaining some aspect of the corporation's activities or products at a high level of excellence. Data quality assurance should take place alongside these others, with the same expectations.

Just as we demand high quality in our manufactured products, in our financial reports, in our information systems infrastructure, and in other aspects of our business, we should demand it from our data.

The goal of a data quality assurance program is to reach high levels of data accuracy within the critical data stores of the corporation and then keep them there. It must encompass all existing, important databases and, more importantly, be a part of every project that creates new data stores or that migrates, replicates, or integrates existing data stores. It must address not only the accuracy of data when initially collected but accuracy decay, accurate access and transformation of that data, and accurate interpretation of the data for users. Its mission is threefold: improve, prevent, monitor.

Improvement assumes that the current state of data quality is not where you want it to be. Much of the work is to investigate current databases and information processes to find and fix existing problems. This effort alone can take several years for a corporation that has not been investing in data quality assurance.

Prevention means that the group should help development and user departments in building data checkers, better data capture processes, better screen designs, and better policies to prevent data quality problems from being introduced into information systems. The data quality assurance team should engage with projects that build new systems, merge systems, extract data from new applications, and build integration transaction systems over older systems to ensure that good data is not turned into bad data and that the best practices available are used in designing human interfaces.

Monitoring means that changes brought about through data quality assurance activities need to be monitored to determine if they are effective. Monitoring also includes periodic auditing of databases to ensure that new problems are not appearing.

Structure of a Data Quality Assurance Program

Creating a data quality assurance program and determining how resources are to be applied needs to be done with careful thought. The first decision is how to organize the group. The activities of the group need to be spelled out. Properly skilled staff members must be assigned. They then need to be equipped with adequate tools and training.

Data Quality Assurance Department

There should be a data quality assurance department. This should be organized so that the members are fully dedicated to the task of improving and maintaining higher levels of data quality. It should not have members who are part-time. Staff members assigned to this function need to become experts in the concepts and tools used to identify and correct quality problems. This will make them a unique discipline within the corporation.

The group needs to have members who are expert data analysts. Analyzing data is an important function of the group. Schooling in database architecture and analytical techniques is a must to get the maximum value from these activities. It should also have staff members who are experienced business analysts. So much of what we call quality deals with user requirements and business interpretation of data that this side of the data cannot be ignored.

The data quality assurance group needs to work with many other people in the corporation. It needs to interact with all of the data management professionals, such as database administrators, data architects, repository owners, application developers, and system designers. They also need to spend a great deal of time with key members of the user community, such as business analysts, managers of departments, and web designers. This means that they need to have excellent working relationships with their customers.

One way to achieve a high level of cooperation is to have an advisory group that meets periodically to help establish priorities, schedules, and interactions with the various groups. This group should have membership from all of the relevant organizations. It should build and maintain an inventory of quality assurance projects that are worth doing, keep this list prioritized, and assign work from it. The advisory group can be very helpful in assessing the impact of quality problems as well as the impact of corrective measures that are subsequently implemented.

Data Quality Assurance Methods

The first component is the quality dimensions that need to be addressed. The second is the methodology for executing activities, and the last is the three ways the group can get involved in activities.

The figure highlights the top line of each component to show where a concentration on data accuracy lies. Data accuracy is clearly the most important dimension of quality. The best way to address accuracy is through an insideout methodology, discussed later in the book. This methodology depends heavily on analysis of data through a process called data profiling. The last part of this book is devoted to explaining data profiling. Improving accuracy can be done through any of the activities shown. However, the one that will return the most benefit is generally the one shown: project services.

Any data quality assurance function needs to address all of the dimensions of quality. The first two, data accuracy and completeness, focus on data stored in corporate databases. The other dimensions focus on the user community and how they interpret and use data.

Both of these methodologies have a goal of identifying data quality issues. An issue is a problem that has surfaced, that is clearly defined, and that either is costing the corporation something valuable (such as money, time, or customers) or has the potential of costing the corporation something valuable. Issues are actionable items: they result in activities that change the data quality of one or more databases. Once identified, issues are managed through an issues management process to determine value, remedies, resolution, and monitoring of results. The process of issue management is discussed more fully in the next chapter.

Inside-Out Method

The inside-out method starts with analyzing the data. A rigorous examination using data profiling technology is performed over an existing database. Data inaccuracies are produced from the process that are then analyzed together to generate a set of data issues for subsequent resolution.

The analysis should be done by a highly qualified data analyst who understands the structure of the data. The methodology starts with a complete and correct set of rules that define data accuracy for the data. This is metadata. It consists of descriptions of the data elements, values permitted in them, how they relate to one another in data structures, and specific data rules that describe value correlation conditions that should always be true within the data. All of these categories are discussed at length in later chapters.

Of course, such a rigorous rule set for any operational database does not exist. The metadata that is available is generally incomplete and most likely inaccurate. The data profiling process described in later chapters is a process that completes and corrects the metadata, along with using it to find evidence of inaccurate data. This intertwined process has a very valuable by-product: accurate and complete metadata.

The process of determining the correct metadata inevitably involves conferring with business analysts and end users. The data analyst will detect a behavior in the data and require consultation to determine why it is so. This often leads to modifications to the metadata. These consultations are always productive because the question is always backed up by information from the data.

The data analyst should identify who in the user community will be the most valuable in consulting on issue identification and form a small, dynamic working group with them. In the end, they should always agree on what the final metadata is, and agree on the inaccurate data facts derived from the comparison with the actual data.

The inaccurate data evidence produced is a collection of facts. It may be explicit cases of wrong or missing values, or it may identify rules that fail without being able to say what values are wrong. For example, one fact may be that 30% of purchase order records do not have a supplier ID. Another may be that the employee birth date field has values that are invalid: too long ago or too recent. Another might be that the percent of the color BLUE in a database is too large. In this case, the analyst does not know which instances are correct and which are wrong; only that some of them must be wrong.

The facts are aggregated into issues. Some facts are issues by themselves. For example, the supplier ID problem may be the basis for a single issue. Others are aggregated into a larger issue. An example is that customer demographic fields in a marketing database contain numerous errors in all fields, possibly indicating a general problem with form design.

Outside-In Method

This method looks for issues in the business, not the data. It identifies facts that suggest that data quality problems are having an impact on the business. It looks for rework, returned merchandise, customer complaints, lost customers, delays in getting information products completed, high amounts of work required to get information products produced, and so on. Interviews are done with users to determine their level of trust in the accuracy of data coming from the information systems and their level of satisfaction with getting everything they need. It may also include looking for decisions made by the corporation that turned out to be wrong decisions.

These facts are then examined to determine the degree of culpability attributable to defects in the data. The data is then examined to determine if it has inaccuracies that contribute to problems, and to determine the scope of the contribution. This examination is generally pointed at the specific problem. It is generally not a thorough data profiling exercise, although it could be expanded to that if the evidence indicates a widespread quality problem with the data.

This approach is generally the work of the data quality assurance team member with skills as a business analyst. It involves heavy participation on the part of outside people. It also requires conference sessions with user community experts. The result is a collection of data issues that are then tracked on the same path as those from the inside-out methodology.

Comparison Of Methods

Neither approach is superior to the other: they both bring value to the process. However, they do not get to the same end point. Data quality assurance groups should use both methodologies as applicable.

Inside-out is generally easier to accomplish and uses less people time. A single analyst can analyze a great deal of data in a short time. The data quality assurance group can accomplish a great deal with this approach with the staff within their own department. The outside-in approach requires spending a lot of time interviewing people in other departments.

The inside-out approach is nondisruptive. You just get a copy of the data you want to analyze and do it offline. The outside-in approach requires scheduling time for others, thus interrupting their regular activities.

The inside-out approach will catch many problems the outside-in approach does not catch. For an outside-in approach to catch a problem, it must manifest itself in some external behavior, and that behavior must be recognizable as being not good.

An example of a hidden problem is a case in which missing supplier ID numbers on purchase orders causes a company not to get maximum discounts they were entitled to from suppliers. The purchase order volumes were summarized by supplier ID and, because the field was missing on 30% of the records, the amounts were low. The company was losing millions of dollars every year because of this and was completely unaware that it was happening. The inside-out approach catches this; the outside-in approach does not.

Another type of problem are those inaccuracies that have the potential for a problem but for which the problem has not yet occurred. An example of this is where an HR database failed to capture government classification group information on employees accurately. Many minority employees were not classified as minorities, nor were handicapped employees all being identified as handicapped. No problem may have surfaced yet. However, the potential for being denied contracts in the future because of these inaccuracies is waiting to happen. Inside-out analysis will catch this; outside-in will not.

The opposite is also true. The inside-out approach will not catch problems where the data is inaccurate but valid. The data can pass all metadata tests and still be wrong. This can happen either because the rule set is incomplete or because the data hides underneath all of the rules. An example is getting the part number wrong on orders. The wrong merchandise is shipped. An analysis of the data will not reveal inaccurate data because all of the part numbers are valid numbers. The outside-in approach catches these problems better. (The inside-out approach may catch this if the analysis finds the percentage of orders returned to be higher than an acceptable threshold. This is possible if a data rule or value test has been formulated. These topics are covered in Chapters 11 and 12).

There is another class of problems not detectable by either approach. The data is valid but wrong and also produces insufficient external evidence to raise a flag. Although these generally are of little concern to a corporation, they have the potential to be costly in the future if not detected. A data quality assurance program built exclusively using only one approach is generally going to miss some important issues.

Data Quality Assurance Activities

The data quality assurance team must decide how it will engage the corporation to bring about improvements and return value for their efforts. The group should set an explicit set of guidelines for what activities they engage in and the criteria for deciding one over another. This is best done with the advisory group.

There are three primary roles the group can adopt. This is shown as the last column in Figure 4.2. One of them, project services, involves working directly with other departments on projects. Another, stand-alone assessments, involves performing assessments entirely within the data quality assurance group. Both of these involve performing extensive analysis of data and creating and resolving issues. The other activity, teach and preach, involves educating and encouraging employees in other groups to perform data auditing functions and to employ best practices in designing and implementing new systems.

Project Services

The vast majority of projects being pursued by the IT organization involve repurposing an existing database. It is rare these days to see a truly new application being developed that does not draw from data that has already been collected in an existing application. Examples of projects that involve working with existing data stores are

  • data migration to new applications (generally packaged applications)

  • consolidation of databases as a result of mergers and acquisitions

  • consolidation of databases to eliminate departmental versions of applications

  • replication of data into data warehouses, data marts, or operational data stores

  • building a CRM system

  • application integration that connects two or more applications

  • application integration that connects an older database to the Internet

There is a real danger in all of these applications of introducing errors through mistakes made due to a misunderstanding of the data. There is also a real danger in the data from the original systems not being of sufficient quality to meet the demands of the new use of the data. Both of these are classical concerns that if not addressed will certainly cause great difficulty in completing the projects, as well as unhappiness with the outcome.

The data quality assurance team can provide an invaluable service to these projects by profiling the data. By doing this they provide two valuable outputs: an accurate and complete metadata description of the data and an inventory of data quality problems uncovered in the process.

The metadata repository produced should be used to match target system requirements against the content and structure of the source systems. It is also the perfect input to developing processes for extraction, transformation, cleansing, and loading processes.

The data quality assurance team can use the inaccuracy facts to determine either whether the data is strong enough to satisfy the intended use or whether there is a need to establish new projects from the issues to drive improvements in the source systems. Of course, this applies to cases in which the source databases continue to live past the project, as is the case for replication and integration projects.

The data quality assurance team can also provide advice and oversight in the design of target database structures, as well as processes for collecting or updating data. They also have a good opportunity to get data checking and monitoring functions embedded in the new systems to help prevent future quality problems.

Why should the data quality assurance team perform these tasks, as opposed to the project teams? The answer is that the data quality assurance team are experts in data quality technologies.They are experienced in data profiling, investigation of issues, and fabrication of data quality problem remedies.

One of the most valuable outputs of data profiling at the beginning of a project is to learn that the project cannot achieve its goals because of the condition of the source data. When this happens, the project team can then make decisions about changing target design, changing target expectations, making improvements to data sources, or scrapping the project outright. This is the perfect place to make these decisions: before most of the project money has been spent and before most of the development work has been done.

Projects that do not perform a thorough review of the source data generally do not discover the match between the data and the project requirements until after much time and money has been spent. It is generally very expensive to repair the damage that has already been done and impossible to recoup the money spent and the valuable time lost.

Stand-Alone Assessments

A stand-alone assessment is a project organized for the purpose of determining the health of an existing database. The database is chosen because of suspicions or evidence about problems coming from the use of data, or simply because it is an important data source for the corporation.

The data quality assurance team will generally execute the entire project. Using the inside-out method, they will profile the data, collect quality facts, produce issues, and then follow the issues through to remedies.

The advantage of assessment projects is that they do not require as much interaction with other project teams and can be scheduled without concern for other plans in IT. Of course, it makes no sense to schedule an assessment of a database that is about to get a facelift as a result of another project.

An assessment can be quite disruptive to other departments, even if no change activity is under way for the data source. Time from them will be needed to develop perfect understanding of the metadata and to interpret facts that come out of profiling. If remedies are needed, negotiations with IT and users will be needed to get them designed and implemented. It may also be quite disturbing to people to find out that they have been using flawed data for a long time without knowing it. The data quality assurance team needs to involve the other departments in the planning phase and keep them involved throughout the process.

It is important not to appear as an outside hit team trying to do damage to the reputation of the operational organizations. Involving them makes them part of the solution.

Teach And Preach

This function involves training information system staff members on the technology available for data quality assessment, the techniques and best practices available for building and maintaining systems, and how to develop quality requirements and use them to qualify data.

Few information systems professionals come out of college with training explicitly targeted to data quality. The principles are not difficult to understand, nor are the disciplines difficult to use in daily practice. Educating them will improve all of the work they do.

The data quality assurance group should function as the experts in data quality. They should not keep this knowledge exclusively to themselves. The more they educate others in the corporation, the more likely the information systems will reach and stay at a high level of quality.

Preaching means that the data quality assurance department should encourage and insist that quality checkpoints be put into all projects. They should encourage upper management to be cognizant of the need for data quality activities. They should collect and advertise the value to the corporation realized from these activities.

The data quality assurance group should not depend exclusively on teaching and preaching. If that is all they do, the company will never develop the focused expertise needed to analyze the mountains of data and drive improvements.

Closing Remarks

If you want high data quality you must have highly accurate data. To get that you need to be proactive. You need a dedicated, focused group.

You need to focus on data accuracy. This means you need an organization that is dedicated to improving data accuracy. You also need trained staff members who consider the skills required to achieve and maintain data accuracy as career-building skills.

You need to use technology heavily. Achieving high levels of data accuracy requires looking at data and acting on what you see. You need to do a lot of data profiling. You need to have experienced staff members who can sniff out data issues.

You need to treat information about your data as of equal or greater importance than the data itself. You must install and maintain a legitimate metadata repository and use it effectively.

You need to educate other corporate employees in the importance of data and in what they can do to improve the accuracy. This includes the following elements.

  • Business users of data need to be sensitized to quality issues.

  • Business analysts must become experts on data quality concepts and play an active role in data quality projects.

  • Developers need to be taught best practices for database and application design to ensure improved data accuracy.

  • Data administrators need to be taught the importance of accuracy and how they can help improve it.

  • All employees who generate data need to be educated on the importance of data accuracy and be given regular feedback on the quality of data they generate.

  • The executive team needs to understand the value of improved data accuracy and the impact it has on improved information quality.

You need to make quality assurance a part of all data projects. Data quality assurance activities need to be planned along with all of the other activities of the information systems department. Assisting a new project in achieving its data quality goals is of equal or higher value than conducting assessment projects in isolation. The more integrated data quality assurance is with the entire information system function, the more value is realized. And finally, everyone needs to work well together to accomplish the quality goals of the corporation.

Data Quality Issues Management


Data quality investigations are all designed to surface problems with the data. This is true whether the problems come from stand-alone assessments or through data profiling services to projects. It also does not matter whether assessments reveal problems from an inside-out or an outside-in method. The output of all these efforts is a collection of facts that get consolidated into issues. An issue is a problem with the database that calls for action. In the context of data quality assurance, it is derived from a collection of information that defines a problem that has a single root cause or can be grouped to describe a single course of action.

That is clearly not the end of the data quality effort. Just identifying issues does nothing to improve things. The issues need to drive changes that will improve the quality of the data for the eventual users.

It is important to have a formal process for moving issues from information to action. It is also important to track the progress of issues as they go through this process. The disposition of issues and the results obtained from implementing changes as a result of those issues are the true documentation of the work done and value of the data quality assurance department.

It does not matter who performs these phases. The data quality assurance department may own the entire process. However, much of the work lies outside this department. It may be a good idea to form a committee to meet regularly and discuss progress of issue activity. The leader of the committee should probably be from the data quality assurance department. At any rate, the department has a vested interest in getting issues turned into actions and in results being measured. They should not be passive in pursuing issue resolution. This is the fruit of their work.

An issue management system should be used to formally document and track issue activity. There are a number of good project management systems available for tracking problems through a work flow process.

The collection of issues and the management process can differ if the issues surface from a "services to project" activity. The project may have an issues management system in place to handle all issues related to the project. They certainly should. In this case, the data quality issues may be mixed with other issues, such as extraction, transformation, target database design, and packaged application modification issues. It is helpful if data quality issues are kept in a separate tracking database or are separately identified within a central project management system, so that they can be tracked as such. If "project services" data profiling surfaces the need to upgrade the source applications to generate less bad data, this should be broken out into a separate project or subproject and managed independently.

Turning Facts into Issues

Data quality investigations turn up facts. The primary job of the investigations is to identify inaccurate data. The data profiling process will produce inaccuracy facts that in some cases identify specific instances of wrong values. Other cases identify where wrong values exist but identification of which value is wrong is not known, and in yet other cases identify facts that raise suspicions about the presence of wrong values.

Facts are individually granular. This means that each rule has a list of violations. You can build a report that lists rules, the number of violations, and the percentage of tests performed (rows, objects, groups tested) that violated the rule. The violations can be itemized and aggregated.


There is a strong temptation for quality groups to generate metrics about the facts and to "grade" a data source accordingly. Sometimes this is useful; sometimes not. Examples of metrics that can be gathered are

  • number of rows containing at least one wrong value

  • graph of errors found by data element

  • number of key violations (nonredundant primary keys, primary/foreign key orphans)

  • graph of data rules executed and number of violations returned

  • breakdown of errors based on data entry locations

  • breakdown of errors based on data creation date

The data profiling process can yield an interesting database of errors derived from a large variety of rules. A creative analyst can turn this into volumes of graphs and reports. You can invent an aggregation value that grades the entire data source. This can be a computed value that weights each rule based on its importance and the number of violations. You could say, for example, that this database has a quality rating of 7 on a scale of 10.

The Good

Metrics can be useful. One use is to demonstrate to management that the process is finding facts. The facts have little to no significance by themselves but can be circumstantial evidence that something is wrong with the data. When a data quality assurance department is trying to gain traction in a corporation, metrics can be a useful way to show progress.

Metrics can also be useful to show improvements. If data is profiled before and after corrective actions, the metrics can show whether the quality has improved or not.

Another use of metrics is to qualify data. Data purchased from outside the corporation, such as demographic data, can be subjected to a quick data profiling process when received. Metrics can then be applied to generate a qualifying grade for the data source. It can help determine if you want to use the data at all. This can be used to negotiate with the vendor providing the data. It can be the basis for penalties or rewards.

Qualification can also be done for internal data sources. For example, a data warehousing group can qualify data extracts from operational groups before they are applied to the central data warehouse.

The Bad

The downside of metrics is that they are not exact and they do not solve problems. In fact, they do not identify what the problems are; they only provide an indicator that problems exist.

Earlier chapters demonstrated that it is not possible to identify all inaccurate data even if you are armed with every possible rule the data should conform to. Consequently you cannot accurately estimate the percentage of inaccuracies that exist. The only thing you know for sure is that you found a specific number of inaccuracies. The bad news is that there are probably more; the good news is that you found these. If the number you find is significant, you know you have a problem.

Corrective actions have these potential consequences: they can prevent recurrence of some errors that you can detect, they can prevent recurrence of errors you cannot detect, and they can continue to pass errors through. It is also theoretically possible that you would introduce new errors that may or may not be detectable.

The conclusion is that data profiling techniques can show the presence of errors but cannot show the absence of errors nor the number of errors. Therefore, any metrics derived from the output of profiling are inexact. This does not make them useless. On the contrary, the errors found are true errors, and if there are enough of them you have uncovered true problems.

You might conclude from the previous discussion that the number of errors reported is understated. This would be great if it were true. However, poorly defined metrics can actually overstate the error condition. This occurs when a single inaccurate value triggers multiple rule violations. This is difficult to detect and impossible to quantify. When you consider that the majority of rules will find the presence of inaccurate data but will not pinpoint the offending values, you can see why it is difficult, if not impossible, to find the true number of inaccurate values.

Comparing metrics can also be misleading if the yardstick changes between profiling exercises. As analysts gain more knowledge about a data source, they will add to the rule set used to dig out inaccuracies. Comparing two result sets that are derived from different rule sets results in an apples-to-oranges comparison. All presentations of quality metrics need to provide disclaimers so that the readers can understand these dynamics.

An additional problem with metrics is that data quality assurance departments often believe that this is the end of their mission. They define their work product as the metrics. However, metrics do not define the source of problems nor the solutions. To improve data quality you need to follow through on getting improvements made. To hand the responsibility for this to other departments is a guarantee that the work items will sit low on priority lists of things to do and will not get done expeditiously. The data quality assurance department needs to track and drive the issues through to solution.

Metrics are not all bad. They are often a good shock factor for driving actions. When you give management a presentation that says the HR database records revealed 700 inaccurate values, this can raise eyebrows and produce a call for action. Knowing that you have 700 and that the real number is higher can be motivation enough.

Often a single fact is more shocking than statistical metrics. For example, telling management that a profiling exercise of the birth date of employees revealed that the youngest employee in the company has not been born yet and that the oldest was born before the Civil War is far more effective than a metric at getting across the point that improvements are needed now. (I did not make this up; it was an actual output of a data profiling exercise.)


The real output of the fact collection phase is a set of issues that define problems that need to be solved. A single statistic can result in an issue. For example, 30% of the purchase order fields have no supplier ID number. Alternatively, several facts can be grouped into one issue. For example, the customer name and address data is severely flawed: 5% of name fields have invalid names, 15% of address fields are inaccurate or blank, 12% of city fields are blank, 5% of city fields are misspelled, and 12% of Zip codes are invalid or blank. This single issue rolls up several inaccuracy facts into a single issue that needs to be addressed. Addressing each inaccuracy fact is an inefficient use of time.

Issues need to be recorded in a database within an issues tracking system. Each issue needs a narrative description of the findings and facts that are the basis for the issue. It is important to identify the facts and the data source so that comparisons can be correctly made during the monitoring phase. The information needed for the data source is the identification of the database used, whether samples or the entire database were used, the date of the extraction, and any other information that will help others understand what you extracted the facts from. In tracking the issues, all meetings, presentations, and decisions need to be recorded along with dates and persons present.

Assessing Impact

Each issue that has been created needs to be studied to determine the impact it has already had or potentially may have on the corporation. Somewhere along the line someone will ask the "so what" question about an issue. It is important to justify development and disruptive efforts to deploy corrective actions. It is important to document the value returned to the corporation for the time and cost spent pursuing issues.

This needs to be updated from time to time. It is usually impossible to compute the costs and benefits up front. One approach is to look at the facts and theorize on possible impacts. A brainstorming session with data analysts, business analysts, and others may be helpful. This will lead to activities to prove that the impacts have already occurred. Because impacts have not occurred does not mean they will not in the future. As the issues are worked through the entire process, additional information about impacts may become apparent. These need to be added to the impact section.

Impacts Already Happening

The impacts may not be obvious to anyone but may be very real. For example, an issue that states that suppliers exist in the supplier's database multiple times may lead to speculation that you are not getting large enough discounts for volumes purchased over a year. Investigation may uncover that this is true (one department orders under one supplier ID and another department uses a second supplier ID for the same supplier). You can easily compute the discount difference, the volume of purchases made, and the value lost to the corporation. The cost of this type of inaccuracy is totally hidden until the issue is identified and pursued.

Sometimes an issue is created from an outside-in investigation and the cost is already known. Tying the external cost to facts is part of issue definition. For example, the external manifestation might be that the accounts receivable department spends x amount of people time per month correcting wrong information on invoices. The facts are the number of blank or inaccurate values found during data profiling. The facts back up the assertion that invoices are not being prepared properly.

Further investigation may reveal that not only is time being wasted but that payments are being delayed by a certain amount for two reasons: one is the lag in time in getting invoices out, and the other is that invoices sent out without corrections get rejected by the purchasing company, causing yet further delays. In fact, there may be a group of invoices that are never collected due to data errors on the invoices. This is an example of a single visible cost leading to facts about inaccuracies, which lead to the discovery of more hidden costs.

One point to consider is that a significant accuracy problem on a data element may indicate a bigger quality problem. In the case of the missing supplier ID, it is clear that if 30% of the values are missing, there is a real possibility that the process is flawed and that the supplier ID is not available at the time the data is entered. It is unlikely that data entry staff are that bad at their jobs. It is also clear that this field is not involved in making the purchase or subsequent payments (it appears to cause no harm). The harm is all done in the secondary uses of the data. It is easy to speculate that if the data is not available at entry, data entry staff may also be entering wrong but valid values. The problem may be much larger than it first appears.

This is why you need to match inaccuracy facts to known manifestations. By seeing the actual data values in error and the data elements containing errors, you can often speculate about hidden costs that may be occurring.

Impacts Not Yet Happening

The most dangerous impacts are those that have not yet occurred. Seeing the presence of inaccurate data can sometimes lead to speculation about problems that could occur. These can have greater impact than those that occur on a regular basis but cost little to correct.

A simple example is the inaccurate birth dates of employees. There may have been no costs that have occurred yet for a new company that hires mostly young people. However, as this population ages, all sorts of government regulations about reporting, pension programs, and changing medical benefits when an employee reaches age 65 are at risk of occurring. These errors can also make decisions about hiring practices inaccurate and lead to wasteful efforts to adjust the company's mix of ages.

A business rule may require that a fast mode of shipment be used to ship certain materials that have the potential to spoil or decay. They may require refrigeration or avoidance of temperatures above a certain number. It may be that errors in the orders have caused a number of shipments to be made that violate the rule and no dire consequences have occurred. All values are valid individually, but the shipment mode rule for the product type is violated. By speculating on the potential for costs, the issues team may speculate about returned orders, merchandise that cannot be resold, and lost customers. However, that speculation may lead to the potential for real lawsuits, as the corporation may be liable for damage done to the purchaser trying to use spoiled merchandise.

This example may have been saving the company money (lower shipping costs) but creating a potential liability (lawsuits) that could severely damage or even destroy the company. This is why speculation on potential impacts is so important.

The process of assessing impacts will crystallize issues. It may result in issues being broken apart or issues being combined. As participants gain more experience, they will be better at sniffing out impacts both real and potential. As new participants join the process, they can benefit from the documentation of previous issues as a training device.

It should also be apparent that the documentation of the impacts of issues is highly sensitive information. The issues management process should provide for a high degree of privacy and safety of the information.

Investigating Causes

The next logical step in the process is to discover the causes of the inaccuracy facts. Remedies cannot be fabricated until more information is uncovered. You need to perform a thorough study, in that the causes may not be what you think they are.

This chapter is not going to cover this topic comprehensively. This is a very large topic and beyond the scope of this book. However, a snapshot of some of the approaches is given to show the types of activities required.

Investigating causes requires talking to a lot of people in a lot of organizations. Assignments to investigators must to be done based on the substance of the issues. Participants from many organizations may be needed. The data quality assurance department should not try to undergo this step entirely with their own staff. Neither should they relegate this entirely to others. It is yet another place where the need for a larger team exists that gets guidance and leadership from the data quality assurance staff.

Investigation of the cause is not always possible. For example, databases purchased from vendors may be found to be defective. It is your responsibility to notify them of the problem and give them facts. It is their job to investigate the causes and correct them.

There are two basic approaches to investigating errors: error cluster analysis and data events analysis. The first is used to narrow down the sources of errors. The second is used to study the events that cause data to be created and maintained in order to help identify the root causes of problems. They can often be used together to efficiently complete the task.

Error Clustering Analysis

This type of analysis attempts to use information in the database to provide clues as to where the inaccuracies may be coming from. It starts with information about the specific database objects containing inaccuracies. For example, in an order database, it would start by identifying those orders that contain inaccurate data or that are suspected of having inaccurate data. Although many rules about data cannot identify specific data elements that are wrong, they can identify entire orders that contain the wrong data. The collection of all orders that have wrong values or rule violations constitutes the analysis set.

The analysis set may be defined narrowly (all orders violating a single rule) or broadly (all orders violating any rule). It depends on the amount of data in the analysis set and the importance of the individual rule. There is also the concept of rules having affinity. That is, for example, all rules that deal with the initial capture of the order information (a process clustering) or all orders dealing with customer name and address information (data semantic clustering).

Once the set of data is isolated that contains offending data, all of the data elements of the isolated set are used to determine if they vary in significant ways with the general population of data.

Common data elements that may reveal significant variances are data source location (branch office, geographic region, specific sales reps), customer information (first-time customers, Internet customers), dates (specific dates, days of week, range of dates), product type or characteristics (engine pats, volatile, expensive), or process steps completed (initial entry, order shipped, invoice created). You are looking for any factor that may indicate a starting point in examining the causes of the errors. Performing error clustering analysis can shorten the search for causes significantly through performing a relatively quick and simple test of data.

Data Events Analysis

This involves a review of all processes that capture data or change data. Data takes a journey from inception to one or more databases. It may have a single process event (data entry) or a number of events. The points of examination can be any or all of the following:

  • data capture processes

  • durations in which data decay can occur

  • points at which data is extracted and added to a different data store

  • points at which data is converted to business information

Data Capture Processes

The process point at which data is captured represents the single most important place data can be made accurate or inaccurate. All data capture points need to be identified and examined. Some data is only captured once. Some is captured and then updated on an exception basis. Some data is captured and the business object updated or enhanced through a work flow process that may occur over a long period of time. Some of these points may take on multiple forms. For example, an order may be entered by the actual customer over the Internet, entered by a recording clerk from a form received in the mail, or entered by a company sales representative through a company client server application. This example shows three very different and distinct ways of entering the same business object.

Building a diagram of the data paths of a business object, identifying the distinct points of data capture, and specifying the characteristics of each is a time-consuming but extremely important task.

  • Time between event and recording: In general, the longer the time differences, the greater the chance for errors. If the time lag is long enough, it also lends itself to missing or late information. Examples of long durations are cases in which forms are completed and mailed to a data entry location. The accuracy and timeliness would be enhanced if the time difference were eliminated through a more direct entry, such as through the Internet.

  • Distance between event and recording: Physical distance can also be a factor. This reduces the opportunity for the person who is entering the data to verify or challenge information. For example, if the originator of data is in Chicago but the information is transmitted via telephone or paper to Kansas City for entry, you have a distance between the person who knows the right information and the one entering it. If there is confusion, the entry person has to either enter nulls or enter a best guess.

  • Number of handoffs of information before recording: The first person to experience the event is most likely to be the one with the most accurate description of the facts. Each handoff to another person introduces the possibility of misreading written information, misinterpreting some else's comments, or not knowing information that was not passed on.

  • Availability of all facts at recording: If the person entering the information has no access to the event, to the person who created or observed the event, or to databases containing important auxiliary information, they cannot fill in missing information or challenge information they see. For example, it is better for HR data to be entered with the employee sitting next to the entry person, as opposed to copying information from a form. Another example is to have a search function for customer identifiers available for order entry personnel.

  • Ability to verify information at recording: This is similar to the previous issue, but slightly different. Can the data entry person get to correct information if they think the information provided is wrong? An HR data entry person could call or e-mail the employee if there is confusion. Sometimes the process makes it impossible to make this connection. Sometimes the process penalizes the data entry person for taking the time to verify questionable information. All entry points should allow for information to be either verified immediately or posted to a deferred process queue for later verification and correction if needed.

  • Motivation of person doing recording: This is a complex topic with many sides. Are they motivated to enter correct information? Are they motivated and empowered to challenge questionable information? Are they motivated to enter the information at all? Someone entering their own order is motivated to do it and get it right. Someone entering piles of form information they do not understand could not care less if the information is entered correctly or completely. Is feedback provided? Is their performance measured relative to completeness and accuracy?

  • Skill, training, and experience of person doing recording: People who enter the same information for a living get to learn the application, the typical content, and the data entry processes. They can be trained to do it right and to look for red flags. People who enter data on a form only one time in their life are much more likely to get it wrong. Sometimes there exists a data entry position that has not been trained in the application. This is an invitation for mistakes. Note that entry people who are making mistakes tend to make them repetitively, thus increasing the database inaccuracy level and thereby increasing the likelihood that it will be exposed through data profiling analysis.

  • Feedback provided to recorder: Feedback is always a good thing. And yet, our information systems rarely provide feedback to the most important people in the data path: those entering the data. Relevant information, such as errors found in computer checks, should be collected and provided to help them improve the accuracy of data they enter.

  • Auto-assist in recording process: Do the data entry programs and screens help in getting it right? A complex process can include pull-downs, file checking, suggestions on names, addresses, questioning of unusual options or entry information, and so on. Remembering information from the last transaction for that source can be very helpful in getting information right. Letting each data entry station set its own pull-down defaults can reduce errors. Providing the current date instead of asking that it be entered can improve accuracy. There are a lot of technology best practices that can improve the accuracy of information.

  • Error checking in recording process: Evaluate the checking provided by the entry screen programs, the transaction path, and the database acceptance routines. Data checkers, filters, and database structural enforcement options can all be used to catch mistakes at the entry point. These are not always easy to identify because they require someone to dig around in code and database definitions. Many times these are not documented. Many times they are thought to be true but have been turned off by a database administrator to improve performance. Many times they exist but are not applied to all points of entry.

It is important to study all factors at each entry point, even though the investigation started by focusing on a single set of inaccuracy facts. This process may reveal other inaccuracies that were hidden from the profiling process or uncover the potential for problems that have not yet occurred. It may also uncover some locally devised practices that are good ideas and may warrant propagation as a formal methodology throughout the data entry community.

Data Decay

The analyst needs to identify data elements that are subject to decay and check for process steps that exist that will mitigate decay. Identifying data decay candidates is a business analyst topic best handled as work sessions with participants from multiple departments.

If the investigation reveals that no procedures are present to prevent decay, the analyst needs to determine the extent to which decay has contributed to currently visible problems or whether it presents the potential for future problems.

Decay problems are often not observable though data profiling because the values in the database are valid even though wrong. However, process analysis may suggest that the data is susceptible to decay problems. Sampling the data and testing it through object reverification may reveal hidden problems. These can become the subject of new issues split off from those that got you there.

Data Movement And Restructuring Processes

Many errors can be introduced when data is extracted, reformatted, aggregated, and combined with other data. If the data source that was used for identifying the inaccurate data is not a primary data source, it requires examination of the processes that build that database from the primary sources.

The first question to ask is whether the problems also exist in the original data source, are part of the data movement processes, or are the result of an incompatibility with the target database structure or definition. Errors at this level often cause primary data sources to be blamed for problems not of their making.

One of the problems with this type of analysis is that the extraction, transformation, cleansing, and loading processes are often not well documented or are documented only in the proprietary repositories of individual products used for the separate steps. This requires expertise on each of these repositories and on the functions of the individual products used. This can lengthen the time required to perform the analysis.

Often data movement processes are locally developed without the aid of packaged tool software. The project team merely writes code for each step. In these cases, finding out what the team does may be difficult because much of it is probably not documented at all. This stresses the importance of being disciplined enough to create and maintain metadata repositories on all data structures: primary, intermediate, and summary. Information should also be kept on all processes that move data between them.

Review of upstream processes may be indicated by discovering information about quality problems in primary databases. This means that a situation discovered in a primary database that produces inaccurate data may lead to the discovery that upstream uses of this data are also flawed. You are basically asking the question "What is the data warehouse doing with this wrong stuff?" This process of examining known data flaws through to their final use can raise issues that were otherwise hidden.

Conversion To Information Products

Other places to look are the conversion of data from databases to reports, movement to OLAP cubes, staging data in corporate portals, and other business information products.

This type of review would normally only be done if the issue were created from concerns raised about these objects. Looking at wrong output does not always indicate that the data is wrong. The routines to extract the data and to compute from it, and the timeliness of this activity, can lead to inaccurate business information products from perfectly accurate data. Problems in the information products should be traced back through the system because they can often uncover previously hidden problems with other uses of the same data.

It should be clear that the process of identifying where errors creep into databases has many beneficial side effects. It can surface bad practices that are creating errors that were not detected in the initial analysis. It can detect bad practices that are not generating errors but have the potential for doing so. It can identify hidden problems in upstream copies of the data or uses of the data that were not known. This may lead to expanding the impacts section to include impacts already occurring and those that have not yet occurred. This process may lead to the consolidation of issues (discovery that the data entry process caused many of the issues) or creating new issues (the corporate portal is displaying flawed renditions of the data).

It may be helpful to document the bad practices independently for the benefit of future projects. Bad practices used in one application frequently find their way into other applications. The same team that implemented them in one case may have implemented them in other applications they also worked on. Having a list of bad practices can serve as a checklist of things to look for in subsequent investigations.

Sources of Inaccurate Data

Before we can assess data correctness we need to understand the various ways inaccurate values get into databases. There are many sources of data inaccuracies, and each contributes its own part to the total data quality problem. Understanding these sources will demonstrate the need for a comprehensive program of assessment, monitoring, and improvement. Having highly accurate data requires attention to all sources of inaccuracies and appropriate responses and tools for each.

The first three cause inaccuracies in data within the databases, whereas the fourth area causes inaccuracies in the information products produced from the data. If you roll up all potential sources of errors, the interesting conclusion is that the most important use of the data (corporate decision making) is made on the rendition of data that has the most inaccuracies.

3.1 Initial Data Entry

Most people assume that data inaccuracies are always the result of entering the wrong data at the beginning. This is certainly a major source of data inaccuracies but not the only source. Inaccurate data creation can be the result of mistakes, can result from flawed data entry processes, can be deliberate, or can be the result of system errors. By looking at our systems through these topics, you can gain insight into whether systems are designed to invite inaccurate data or are designed to promote accurate data.

Data Entry Mistakes

The most common source of a data inaccuracy is that the person entering the data just plain makes a mistake. You intend to enter blue but enter bleu instead; you hit the wrong entry on a select list; you put a correct value in the wrong field. Much of operational data originates from a person. People make mistakes; we make them all the time. It is doubtful that anyone could fill out a hundred-field form without making at least one mistake.

A real-world example involves an automobile damage claims database in which the COLOR field was entered as text. Examination of the content of this field yielded 13 different spellings for the word beige. Some of these mistakes were the result of typos. Others were just that the entry person did not know how to spell the word. In some of the latter cases, they thought they knew how to spell the word, whereas in others they were just not able or willing to look it up.

Flawed Data Entry Processes

A lot of data entry begins with a form. A person completes a form either on a piece of paper or on a computer screen. Form design has a lot to do with the amount of inaccurate data that ends up in the database. Form design should begin with a basic understanding of quality issues in order to avoid many of the mistakes commonly seen. For example, having someone select from a list of valid values instead of typing in a value can eliminate the misspellings previously cited.

Another common problem is having fields on the form that are confusing to the user. This often leads them to enter wrong information. The field itself may be confusing to the user. If it is a field that is not commonly understood, or if the database definition is unconventional, the form needs to provide assistance in guiding the user through entry of values into the field. Sometimes the confusion is in the way the field is described in its identifying text or in its positioning on the form. Form design should always be subjected to rigorous quality testing to find the fields a normal user would have difficulty in knowing what to enter.

Data entry windows should have instructions available as HELP functions and should be user friendly in handling errors. Frustration in using a form can lead to deliberate mistakes that corrupt the database.

Forms are better completed by a trained entry person than by a one-time user. This is because the entry person can be taught how things should be entered, can become proficient in using the form mechanisms, and can be given feedback to improve the efficiency and accuracy of the data. A one-time user is always uncertain about what they are supposed to do on the form. Unfortunately, our society is moving by way of the Internet toward eliminating the middle person in the process and having end users complete forms directly. This places a much higher demand on quality form design.

The data entry process includes more than the forms that are filled out. It also includes the process that surrounds it. Forms are completed at a specific point or points in a process. Sometimes we have forms that are required to be completed when not all information is known or easily obtained at that point in the process. This will inevitably lead to quality problems.

An example of a data entry process I helped design a number of years ago for military repair personnel is very instructive of the types of problems that can occur in data collection. The U.S. Navy has a database that collects detailed information on the repair and routine maintenance performed on all aircraft and on all major components of every ship. This database is intended to be used for a variety of reasons, from negotiating contracts with suppliers, to validating warranties, to designing new aircraft and ships.

When an aircraft carrier is in a combat situation, such as in Kuwait and Afghanistan, repairs are being made frequently. The repair crews are working around the clock and under a great deal of pressure to deal with a lot of situations that come up unexpectedly. Completing forms is the least of their concerns. They have a tendency to fix things and do the paperwork later. The amount of undocumented work piles up during the day, to be completed when a spare moment is available. By then the repair person has forgotten some of the work done or the details of some of the work and certainly is in a hurry to get it done and out of the way.

Another part of this problem comes in when the data is actually entered from the forms. The forms are coming out of a hectic, very messy environment. Some of the forms are torn; some have oil or other substances on them. The writing is often difficult to decipher. The person who created it is probably not available and probably would not remember much about it if available.

A database built from this system will have many inaccuracies in it. Many of the inaccuracies will be missing information or valid but wrong information. An innovative solution that involves wireless, handheld devices and employs voice recognition technology would vastly improve the completeness and accuracy of this database. I hope the U.S. Navy has made considerable improvements in the data collection processes for this application since I left. I trust they have.

The Null Problem

A special problem occurs in data entry when the information called for is not available. A data element has a value, an indicator that the value is not known, or an indicator that no value exists (or is applicable) for this element in this record. Have you ever seen an entry screen that had room for a value and two indicator boxes you could use for the case where there is no value? I haven't. Most form designs either mandate that a value be provided or allow it to be left blank. If left blank, you do not know the difference between value-not-known and no-value-applies.

When the form requires that an entry be available and the entry person does not have the value, there is a strong tendency to "fake it" by putting a wrong, but acceptable, value into the field. This is even unintentionally encouraged for selection lists that have a default value in the field to start with.

It would be better form design to introduce the notion of NOT KNOWN or NOT APPLICABLE for data elements that are not crucial to the transaction being processed. This would at least allow the entry people to enter accurately what they know and the users of the data to understand what is going on in the data.

It would make sense in some cases to allow the initial entry of data to record NOT KNOWN values and have the system trigger subsequent activities that would collect and update these fields after the fact. This is far better than having people enter false information or leaving something blank and not knowing if a value exists for the field or not.

An example of a data element that may be NOT KNOWN or NOT APPLICABLE is a driver's license number. If the field is left blank, you cannot tell if it was not known at the point of entry or whether the person it applies to does not have a driver's license. Failure to handle the possibility of information not being available at the time of entry and failure to allow for options to express what you do know about a value leads to many inaccuracies in data.

Deliberate Errors

Deliberate errors are those that occur when the person enters a wrong value on purpose. There are three reasons they do this:

  • They do not know the correct information.

  • They do not want you to know the correct information.

  • They get a benefit from entering the wrong information.

Do Not Know Correct Information

Not knowing the correct information occurs when the form requires a value for a field and the person wants or needs to complete the form but does not know the value to use. The form will not be complete without a value. The person does not believe the value is important to the transaction, at least not relative to what they are trying to do. The result is that they make up a value, enter the information, and go on.

Usually the information is not important to completing the transaction but may be important to other database users later on. For example, asking and requiring a value for the license plate number of your car when registering for a hotel has no effect on getting registered. However, it may be important when you leave your lights on and they need to find out whose car it is.

Do Not Wish To Give The Correct Information

The second source of deliberate errors is caused by the person providing the data not wanting to give the correct information. This is becoming a more and more common occurrence with data coming off the Internet and the emergence of CRM applications. Every company wants a database on all of their customers in order to tailor marketing programs. However, they end up with a lot of incorrect data in their databases because the information they ask people for is more than people are willing to provide or is perceived to be an invasion of privacy.

Examples of fields that people will lie about are age, height, weight, driver's license number, home phone number, marital status, annual income, and education level. People even lie about their name if it can get the result they want from the form without putting in their correct name. A common name appearing in many marketing databases is Mickey Mouse.

The problem with collecting data that is not directly required to complete the transaction is that the quality of these data elements tends to be low but is not immediately detected. It is only later, when you try to employ this data, that the inaccuracies show up and create problems.

Falsifying To Obtain A Benefit

The third case in which deliberate mistakes are made is where the entry person obtains an advantage in entering wrong data. Some examples from the real world illustrate this.

An automobile manufacturer receives claim forms for warranty repairs performed by dealers. Claims for some procedures are paid immediately, whereas claims for other procedures are paid in 60 days. The dealers figure out this scheme and deliberately lie about the procedures performed in order to get their money faster. The database incorrectly identifies the repairs made. Any attempt to use this database to determine failure rates would be a total failure. In fact, it was in attempts to use this data for this purpose that led to the discovery of the practice. It had been going on for years.

A bank gives branch bank employees a bonus for all new corporate accounts. A new division of a larger company opens an account with a local branch. If the bank employee determines that this is a sub-account of a larger, existing customer (the correct procedure), no bonus is paid upon opening the account. If, however, the account is opened as a new corporate customer (the wrong procedure), a bonus is paid.

An insurance company sells automobile insurance policies through independent insurance writers. In a metropolitan area, the insurance rate is determined by the Zip code of the applicant. The agents figure out that if they falsify the ZIP CODE field on the initial application for high-cost Zip codes, they can get the client on board at a lower rate. The transaction completes, the agent gets his commission, and the customer corrects the error when the renewal forms arrive a year later. The customer's rates subsequently go up as a result.

Data entry people are rated based on the number of documents entered per hour. They are not penalized for entering wrong information. This leads to a practice of entering data too fast, not attempting to resolve issues with input documents, and making up missing information. The operators who enter the poorest-quality data get the highest performance ratings.

All of these examples demonstrate that company policy can encourage people to deliberately falsify information in order to obtain a personal benefit.

System Problems

Systems are too often blamed for mistakes when, after investigation, the mistakes turn out to be the result of a human error. Our computing systems have become enormously reliable over the years. However, database errors do occur because of system problems when the transaction systems are not properly designed.

Database systems have the notion of COMMIT. This means that changes to a database system resulting from an external transaction either get completely committed or completely rejected. Specific programming logic ensures that a partial transaction never occurs. In application designs, the user is generally made aware that a transaction has committed to the database.

In older systems, the transaction path from the person entering data to the database was very short. It usually consisted of a terminal passing information through a communications controller to a mainframe, where an application program made the database calls, performed a COMMIT, and sent a response back to the terminal. Terminals were either locally attached or accessed through an internal network.

Today, the transaction path can be very long and very complex. It is not unusual for an application to occur outside your corporation on a PC, over the Internet. The transaction flows through ISPs to an application server in your company. This server then passes messages to a database server, where the database calls are made. It is not unusual for multiple application servers to be in the path of the transaction. It is also not unusual for multiple companies to house application servers in the path. For example, Amazon passes transactions to other companies for "used book" orders.

The person entering the data is a nonprofessional, totally unfamiliar with the system paths. The paths themselves involve many parts, across many communication paths. If something goes wrong, such as a server going down, the person entering the information may not have any idea of whether the transaction occurred or not. If there is no procedure for them to find out, they often reenter the transaction, thinking it is not there, when in fact it is; or they do not reenter the transaction, thinking it happened, when in fact it did not. In one case, you have duplicate data; in the other, you have missing data.

More attention must be paid to transaction system design in this new, complex world we have created. We came pretty close to cleaning up transaction failures in older "short path" systems but are now returning to this problem with the newer "long path" systems.

In summary, there are plenty of ways data inaccuracies can occur when data is initially created. Errors that occur innocently tend to be random and are difficult to correct. Errors that are deliberate or are the result of poorly constructed processes tend to leave clues around that can be detected by analytical techniques.

Data Accuracy Decay

Data that is accurate when initially created can become inaccurate within a database through time. The data value does not change; its accuracy does. Some data elements are subject to value accuracy decay and some are not. Some examples will illustrate the concept of decay.

Personal information in an employee database easily becomes wrong. People move, they change their marital status, they complete new education programs, they change telephone numbers. Most employees do not run into HR and fill out a form every time something changes in their life. The information in HR reflects the accuracy at the time they initially joined the company or the last time an update was done. Inventory-on-hand information can become wrong due to spoilage, parts taken and used, and new transactions not processed.

The value carried on the books for capital assets can change due to market demand changes, changes in the environment in which the asset is used, unusual wear and tear, or damage done and not reported. A state driver's license database indicates that a person has acceptable eyesight to drive without glasses. However, during the time since the license was issued, the person's eyesight may deteriorate to the point where she cannot safely drive without glasses. The inaccuracy will not be corrected until a renewal requires a new eye test.

All of these examples show that a change occurred in the object being represented in the database and the database was not updated to reflect it. Another way of saying this is that a transaction was needed to be processed and was not. However, these "missing transactions" are commonplace in the real world.

Not all data elements are subject to decay. Information defining an object generally does not decay, whereas information providing other information about the object generally can be subject to decay. Good database designers will note the decay characteristic of a data element as part of the metadata and will design processes to verify or update the information as needed by the consumers of the data. For example, in an inventory application, the data elements for PART_NUMBER, PART_DESCRIPTION, and UNIT_OF_MEASURE would not be considered subject to decay, whereas QUANTITY_ON_HAND, SUPPLIER_ID, and STORAGE_BIN_NUMBER would be subject to decay.

Another characteristic of decay-prone data elements is that the overall accuracy of the element tends to follow a sawtooth graph over time. Data is entered. Over time, the older data gets progressively more inaccurate (it decays). The accuracy of the element is determined by the mix of older data versus newer data, which tends to be more accurate. A corrective action occurs that pulls the data back into a higher state of accuracy.

In the previously cited examples, the corrective event for HR information may be an annual data review conducted with all employees; for inventory, an annual inventory exercise; for capital equipment, an annual reappraisal. Note that for the driver's license example there is no event that brings all or a set of records into accuracy at a single point in time. It is a continuous database with new records and renewals occurring on an individual timeline. This does not follow a sawtooth pattern because the decaying and correcting occurs continuously over the database. However, it does have an inaccuracy component due to decay that remains fairly constant over time.

An example of a good HR system is to have new employees verify all HR information immediately after initial entry into the database, request that employees review all personal information each time they make any change, and then request a specific review by the employee any time no review has been done in a year (or less if you can get away with it). Another mechanism is to make the review a part of the annual employee evaluation process. It would not hurt to monitor marriage and birth announcements as well.

Unfortunately, most companies are not willing to be that concerned about data decay accuracy issues. It is not because they have considered the cost of a continuous updating process to be higher than the cost of not being more accurate. It is more a case of not thinking about the problem at all. The cost of a corrective program is not very high once it has been put in place. It will generally return more value than it costs.

A proper way of handling decay-prone data elements is to identify them in the database design and indicate this in the metadata repository. Periodic events should be planned to update information to get the database to recover from decay. The times that these events occur should be included in the database and/or the metadata repository so that database business users can know what to expect. The metadata repository should also include information on the rate of change that occurred in the periodic auditing event. A good data analyst knows the rate of decay and the probable accuracy index for any element at any given point in time.

Moving and Restructuring Data

Inaccurate data is often created from perfectly good data through the processes used to move and restructure data. These processes are commonly used to extract data from operational databases and put it into data warehouses, data marts, or operational data stores. It may also restage the data for access through corporate portals. This is an area often overlooked as a source of data inaccuracies and yet it contributes significantly to the inaccuracy problem. When you hear complaints that the data in a data warehouse or data mart is wrong and unusable, a major contributing factor might be flawed data movement processes as opposed to the data being inaccurate in the source databases.

Moving and restructuring data is commonly done through ETL (extract, transform, and load) processes. There may also be data scrubbing processes involved. Sometimes this is performed through packaged tools and sometimes through in-house-developed scripts or programs. When packaged tools are used, the errors are not coming from them but rather from faulty specifications used for them.

Entire classes of tools and software companies emerged to support this activity. The two primary tool categories are ETL and data cleansing. What was missing was tools to help understand the data in enough detail to effectively use the tools and to design decision support systems correctly. The recent emergence of data profiling tools is intended to fill this gap and is showing dramatically positive effects when used.

The irony of it is that most projects claim to be extracting the data and cleaning it up before it is moved into the data warehouses, when in fact they are making it dirtier, not cleaner. Data is generated and stored in a database based on the initiating application. This is generally a transaction system that collects the data and performs updates. The database is generally designed to meet the requirements of the initiating application and nothing more. The design of the data and the database is generally poorly documented and almost always not kept up to date.

There are also a host of other reasons for moving data to a database of a different structure. These include migration of applications to newer technology or to packaged applications. For many applications, this may be the first time they have been subject to a major reengineering effort. Another reason is the need to consolidate databases. Consolidations occur for two reasons: corporation mergers and acquisitions, and the need to centralize databases from local or divisional databases.

An important fact of migrations and consolidations is that you cannot leave the old data behind. Most databases require a continuity of information over long periods of time. You cannot move to a new personnel system and not move the existing personnel information behind. You cannot move to a new supply chain system and not move the inventory or the inventory history data. lists projects for which database restructure and/or data movement should be a serious consideration.

There are two major problems frequently found in moving and restructuring data. The first is that to effectively accomplish the movement of the data to another database you have to fully understand everything about the source database (and the target, if it is not a new database). The reality is nothing close to this. The other problem is that the source systems were never designed with the thought of having to give up their data to another database. This is particularly the case for a database of a different type, designed very differently and combining it with data from other sources.

Understanding Source Databases

Rarely do you have current, complete information available on transaction systems. Metadata dictionaries and repositories generally have very low accuracy. Even COBOL copybooks sport a high degree of mismatch between what they say and how the data is actually stored.

The poor attention paid to creating and maintaining accurate data in data dictionaries and metadata repositories is now hurting corporations to the tune of millions of dollars in unnecessarily complex data movement projects and/or in having to accept low-quality data (data that is even of lower quality than the source databases it is extracted from) for use in decision making.

The reasons for poor data quality in metadata repositories are many. Repository technology has lagged behind database design evolution. Repository solutions are generally insufficient in content to collect all the needed information. They are passive, which means that they can get out of step with the data without noticeable impacts on normal operations. There has been little motivation on the part of data administration staff to keep them current.

COBOL copybooks also become inaccurate over time. Changes to fields are often done without updating the copybook. A character field may be reassigned to be used for an entirely different purpose. If the physical definition of the field satisfies the new use, the copybook change is not needed to make the program work. This results in the field name and comment text referring to the old meaning and not the new meaning. This can, and will, mislead anyone using it to make changes or to extract data.

In many instances, valuable application information was found stored in the space defined to COBOL as FILLER. This is a common and quick-fix way of implementing a change and of completely bypassing an update of the copybook or any other documentation that may exist.

Overloaded Fields

Older, legacy applications are filled with "overloaded" fields. An overloaded field is one that has information about multiple, different facts stored in the same field.

An example of an overloaded field is where a mainframe application developer needs a new field that has a binary representation such as YES or NO. They do not want to waste the space for a new field (a common concern for developers in the 1960 to 1980 time frame). Instead of creating a new field, they decide to use an unused bit of another, existing field. This could be one of the spare bits within packed decimal fields for IBM mainframes or the sign bit of a numeric field that can never be negative. The result is an overloaded field. Other examples of overloaded fields are to use each bit of a single byte to represent the value for a different binary-valued field or to use free-form text fields to encode keywords that mean different things.

An extreme case discovered in one system was that a person's NAME field had the characters *DECEASED appended to it within the same NAME field if the person was dead. So, for example, the value Jack Olson meant who I am and that I am alive, whereas the value Jack Olson *DECEASED meant who I am and that I am not alive.

The problem with overloaded fields is that they are generally never documented. The copybook definitions and dictionary definitions usually document only the underlying field or, in the case of multivalued keyword fields, document it only as a text field.

Analysts designing data movement and restructuring processes often do not become aware of the overloading and either incorrectly transform and move the data or reject some or all of the values in the field as being inaccurate. In the process of rejection, they are losing correct information on each of the separate facts recorded in the field.

Another real example of overloading fields is where a legacy system developer used the sign bit on the PAY_RATE field to represent a different fact because this field should never be negative. Neither this convention nor the meaning of the bit was ever documented. When they upgraded to a new packaged application for payroll, they moved the field as it existed, innocently thinking that they did not need to investigate such an obvious field. When they ran their first payroll, 30% of the checks had negative amounts. This is an example of a situation in which you absolutely must verify the content of every field against your expectations when you lift it out of one system and place it into another.

Sometimes the information needed about existing databases is not recorded anywhere. You often need detailed information on missing or exception conditions. This is often not available. You also need information on accuracy. This is never recorded anywhere.

Matching Source Databases to Target Databases

This is tricky business. You first need to have a total understanding of both systems. You then need to match data elements to determine whether the result makes sense.

In matching data elements you are saying that a particular field in the source system contains the content you need to put into a particular field in the target system. Many times this is an obvious match, such as a PAYTYPE field in one system and a PAY_TYPE field in the other system. However, when you get below the surface, differences can emerge that are highly significant and can create enormous problems if not addressed. The types of problems that can occur are

  • The actual representation of the values within the field may differ. One system, for example, may encode PAY_TYPE as H and S for hourly and salaried. The other may encode the same information as 1 and 2. You must look at the values to determine what is there.

  • The scope of values may differ. One system may have two types of PAY_TYPE, and the other may have three types. Are the differences reconcilable?

  • One system may record information to a lower level of granularity than the other system. For example, one may encode color as RED, BLUE, and GREEN, whereas the other system may have five values for shades of RED, four values for shades of BLUE, and so on. The issue then becomes whether the target system can deal with the differences.

  • The systems may handle NULL or NOT KNOWN differently. One system may not allow them, whereas the other does. One system may record a NULL as a blank and the other system as the? character.

  • Special meaning may be attached to specific values in one system. For example, a policy number of 99999999 may mean that the policy number has not been assigned yet.

It is not sufficient that the target system have a field of the correct data type and length as the source system field. It is necessary that every value in the source system can be translated to an acceptable value in the target system that has exactly the same semantic meaning. Failure to do this will turn acceptable (accurate) values in the source system into unacceptable (inaccurate) values in the target system.

Another problem comes into play in matching data elements when there are a different number of data elements between the source and target systems. When the target system has a data element that does not exist in the source system, a determination needs to be made on what to do about it. The target data element may be eliminated from the design, NULLS inserted, or values manufactured for the field. In any case, the result is less than optimal. This problem is compounded when merging data from multiple sources wherein some sources have values for this field and other sources do not. The result is a target data element populated with highly questionable data. Any attempt to use the field to generate aggregations for groups will yield inaccurate results.

When the source system contains excess data elements, a decision needs to be made on whether the information is, in fact, needed in the target system. Generally it is okay to leave it out, provided it does not have structural importance to other data elements.

Source and target systems need to be matched at the structural level as well as at the data element level. This is a step often either not done or done very poorly. The result can be failures in attempting to move the data or, worse yet, inaccurate results in the target systems.

Structural matching involves checking to see if data element functional dependencies and referential constraints in the source systems match those in the target systems. This is discussed in detail in Chapter 9.

For example, if the data elements of one system are not part of a primary key and they correspond to data elements in the other system that are part of a primary key, an error can easily occur in trying to move the data. Another example is where in one system the DISCOUNT is applied to the order, and in the other system it is applied to individual line items within the order. If the target system has the discount on the order, a problem exists in trying to move the data.

A large number of errors are routinely made when trying to force data into a target structure in circumstances where the two systems are structurally different and not reconcilable. The reason so much force fitting is done is that the information about these differences usually does not surface until the actual implementation phase of projects. By then, the project team is trying to make things work at any cost.

Once data is understood and matched, the project must construct processes to extract the data from the source databases, run them through any data cleansing needed, apply transforms, and load the data into the target systems. Shortcomings in analyzing the source data and in matching elements and structures often lead to serious problems in executing these procedures or result in corrupt data in the target systems.


Extracting data normally involves reading the source databases and building output files suitable for use in the subsequent processes. These output files are almost always expected to be in a normalized form. This means that they are tables of values, hopefully in "third-normal" form. (Normal forms of data are explained in Section 9.1.)

Source systems are not always easy to unwind into a set of normalized flat files. Depending on the complexity of how data is stored in the source systems, this can be a monumental task that is susceptible to all sorts of errors.

For example, a mainframe VSAM application covered by COBOL copy-books may store information in the same data file for many different records and have variations embedded within. Liberal use of the REDEFINE and OCCURS clauses can provide a challenging structural situation that must be studied thoroughly before developing the extraction routines.

A program cannot automatically figure this out for you. Many extraction programs have been constructed that automatically read the copybook and develop extraction logic from it. There are a number of problems with this approach. A REDEFINE may be used to recast the same facts or to indicate a different set of facts depending on some other value in the record. Only a human can determine which is meant. In one case you need to select the representation to include in the output; in the other you need to normalize the facts within the REDEFINE into separate data elements. A similar situation exists for OCCURS clauses. Do they represent n occurrences of the same fact or n different facts? One case calls for normalization into a separate file, and the other does not.

A company was trying to move a VSAM application for which over 200 different record types were encoded within the same VSAM file using a record type field to distinguish them and an equal number of record-level REDEFINEs. There were also liberal uses of REDEFINE and OCCURS within many of these record types. In essence, the user had cleverly defined an entire relational database structure within the VSAM file structure for a single file. Unfortunately, his cleverness caused great pains for subsequent analysts who needed to extract data from this file. As you might expect, he was no longer with the company when this was needed. Unraveling it into the proper relational definition was not easy.

Converting nonrelational structures to normalized files may also require key generation in cases for which the connection between records is done through positioning or internal pointers. Failure to recognize this and provide the keys will result in files that lack the ability to JOIN objects later or to enforce referential integrity constraints.

Extraction routines also need to handle overloaded fields. Often, they merely look at the source data as being in error and just reject the values or substitute a NULL or blank/zero value in its place. This is generating wrong information from correct information.

Source systems are often denormalized. Denormalization was a common trick used in earlier systems (especially early relational systems) to obtain adequate performance. Failure to recognize that the source data is denormalized results in denormalized flat files, which can lead to denormalized targets, which can lead to statistical errors when using the data. This is another area rarely documented in source systems.

The inverse is also true. Extraction routines that "flatten" data from hierarchical structures often generate denormalized flat files from structures that were correctly normalized. Most general-purpose extraction programs have the potential for doing this. For example, in an IMS database containing multiple segment types, if only one output file is generated for the entire database, it is denormalized if multiple occurrences of child segments are allowed for each parent instance. This output file will generate errors in the target system if the denormalization is not corrected somewhere else in the process.

Data Cleansing

Data cleansing involves identifying incorrect data values and then either correcting them or rejecting them. They deal with INVALID values in single data elements or correlation across multiple data elements. Many products are available to help you construct data cleansing routines. They can be helpful in improving the accuracy of data or they can result in less accurate data, depending on how carefully they are used.

Data cleansing becomes a problem when you lack an understanding of the source data and reject values that have special meaning. For example, if the source system had a convention of putting a value of * in a STATE field to indicate local state, the scrubbing routine may infer that * is invalid and either reject the row or put a null in its place. Even though the convention is unusual, it was correct in the source system, whose applications understood the convention.

Another problem is when data cleansing routines reject a value that is clearly correctable. For example, multiple representations of a name in a text field may include misspellings or alternative representations that are clearly recognizable for what they should be in the source systems. For example, the entry blakc is clearly a misspelling for black, and Tex is clearly an alternative representation of the text Texas (or TX if two characters are the convention).

A poorly designed data cleansing routine will reject these values and substitute a NULL or blank. The result is that there is no way of correcting it in the target system because the original wrong value is lost.

Data cleansing routines can identify wrong values but generally cannot correct them. They can correct values only through synonym lists or correlation against tables showing valid combinations of values. Most of the time they identify a wrong value but cannot correct it. The only alternative is to change the value to unknown (NULL in most systems) or to reject the row in which the bad value is contained. If it is rejected, they can either leave it out of the target (creating a bigger problem) or manually investigate the value and reenter it into the target after correction.

Leaving rows out has multiple problems. First, you are losing some data. The correct data in other data elements of these rows may be more important to the target than the result you get by leaving the entire row out. Another problem is that you may create a structural problem relative to other rows in the same or other tables. For example, if you reject an order header, the order detail records in a different file will become orphans. Rejecting one row may have the effect of causing many other rows to be rejected later, when referential constraints are enforced upon load.


Transforms are routines that change the representation of a value while not changing the content. For example, in one system, GENDER may be represented by 1 and 2, whereas in the target it is represented by M and F. The transformation routine simply translates 1s to M and 2s to F. Transformation routines can be simple or complex. Failure to properly specify transformations can result in correct data in the source becoming wrong data in the target.

Two areas that commonly introduce problems are code page crossovers and currency translation. For example, if you are building a central data warehouse from data coming from divisions around the world, you need to pay special attention to the effects either of these may have on the outcome. Code page conversions can lose special country codes that translate the special characters of another country into the USA code page. This may generate a name value that looks invalid to the target system.

Another problem sometimes overlooked is where a source system stores a dollar value as an integer. The application programs "know" that they are supposed to insert the decimal point after position 2 (effectively dividing the stored value by 100). A transform needs to occur when this data is moved. If the analyst fails to recognize the convention, the values are moved over as if they were full dollar amounts.


The last step of the data movement process is loading data. You would think that this step would be a safe bet and that all of the damage that can be done has already been done to the data. Assuming you have properly defined the target database, you only need to deal with a few issues.

You need to ensure that all of the data gets loaded in order for the target to be in a consistent state. This sounds simple. However, if data is coming from dozens of sources, you need to ensure that all of the data from all sources gets there and gets loaded together to create a complete target system. One of the important issues of data warehouse and data mart design is ensuring that this is done and that the data is not released to the user community until a complete load is accomplished.

Another issue is what you do with the data that is rejected upon load due to data type, key definition, referential constraint, or procedure violations. As in the case of data cleansing, you must decide if you substitute a value to make the structure work, leave rows out of the target, or investigate the cause and enter the correct values.

The quantity of rejections will determine the best way to handle this issue. A good data movement process will have found all of these values before they get to the load process.

This section has shown that there are many opportunities to make mistakes in the process of extracting data from one system and moving it to another. The majority of these mistakes are mistakes of omission. The developer of the processes does not have a correct or complete set of information about the source systems in order to know everything that needs to be done. The scary part of this is that we continually plow through projects with very low-quality metadata for the source systems and try to fix or reconcile the problems after the fact.

The other problem is that when we look at the data in the target system and determine that it is of low quality we instinctively blame the source systems instead of considering the movement processes as the culprit. Since source systems are difficult to change, little is generally done about the situation. Often the target system is just not used because of a lack of confidence in the data. Much of the time, the target system quality can be improved immensely through fixing the data movement processes.

Clearly, the more effort you make in completing the first two steps properly the fewer mistakes you make in the other steps. Mistakes result in inaccurate data in the target systems. Eliminating the mistakes makes the target systems more accurate and more usable.

Data Integration

The previous section covered what can go wrong when data is taken from one system to another. Data integration projects that fetch data from source systems and use them in new applications have all the same problems. They may be only fetching tiny amounts of data for each use. However, the data in the source systems, no matter how small, must be properly extracted, cleansed, transformed, and put into a form (usually a message) the target application understands. Virtually all of the topics covered for batch, bulk data movement apply to integration.

Failure to recognize this and do everything that needs to be done leads to inaccurate data being presented to new applications from correct databases. This can lead to incorrect processing of transactions because of wrong data values being presented to the integration transactions. This has a large potential for negative impacts on the business conducted through them.

Using Data

The final area where data goes wrong is the process of putting it into business objects such as reports, query result screens, portal-accessible windows, and the subsequent use of this by business professionals.

Data may be accurate, but if users do not understand the meaning of the data or the context within which it is presented, their interpretation and use of the data may be inaccurate. This again points to the problem of not having a good metadata repository that is maintained 100% accurately all of the time. This repository should contain information on what each data element represents, how the data within it is encoded, how to interpret special values, the source of data, the time periods last updated, and the quality levels last known for this data.

Quality levels are important because they can let users judge whether the data satisfies their needs or not. They should be able to determine from the repository the probable inaccurate rate within the data. This can be derived from periodic assessment, data monitoring tools, or both.

The user should have easy access to this information. What is needed is either a comprehensive help system on the business objects or an easy-to-use corporate portal on corporate data stores. If users have to call someone or jump through hoops to find out information about their data, they will just not do it. They will make their own assumptions about what the data represents and use it accordingly. Unfortunately, most companies do not have a good metadata repository and certainly do not have a good mechanism for non-IT professionals to access the information they do have.

Scope of Problems

By the time a report has been generated from a data warehouse, there have been a lot of opportunities for the data to go wrong. The errors just accumulate from initial data creation through decay, data movement, and use. No wonder so many data decision support systems are judged failures.

Some practitioners take comfort in believing that data accuracy problems are greater in legacy systems than they are in systems built more recently, systems on a relational base, or systems implemented through a packaged application. The truth is that there are many opportunities to create problems in all of these.

Relational systems are not immune to errors. This is particularly true of relational systems built in the 1980s. Much of the current protection capability of relational systems was introduced gradually throughout the 1980s. This included date/time data types, triggers, procedures, and referential constraints. Many of the older systems do not use these capabilities and thus leave themselves open to inaccurate data.

Packaged applications do not protect against bad data. They provide a framework for collecting and storing data, but only the using company generates and is responsible for the data. The packaged application cannot ensure that all data is collected, that all values are accurate, or that the fields are being used as intended. Using companies often make local customization decisions in order to force the packaged application to fit their way of doing business. This can lead to problems in extracting, moving, and interpreting data.

Closing Remarks

Inaccurate data gets into databases at a number of points and for a variety of reasons. Any program to improve data accuracy must address the issues across the entire spectrum of opportunities for error.

Data can be entered mistakenly, can be deliberately entered inaccurately, can be the result of system errors, can decay in accuracy, can be turned into inaccurate data through moving and restructuring, and can be turned into wrong information when inappropriately reported or used. Understanding all of these areas will make data quality assurance professionals more expert in analyzing data and processes for inaccuracies.

The common theme throughout this chapter is that knowledge about your data is the key to successful assessment, movement of data, and use of data. There is no substitute for a sound knowledge base of information about the data. Most metadata repositories fall short of the need. If a process similar to that shown in is used vigorously, updating the metadata repository at all stages, higher data accuracy will result for those making decisions from the data.

The area of metadata repositories is ripe for new development, meaningful standardization, and widespread deployment. It should emerge as the next most important technology corporations demand after they have made significant progress on data quality. The business case for repository projects will emerge as the cost of not having them (via inhibiting data quality improvement efforts) becomes more clear. The business value of data quality initiatives will generally depend on the ability of the corporation to maintain an accurate metadata repository. To the extent that it does not, it will not reap the maximum value from data quality efforts.